Max Eastley

Cape Farewell Arctic Expeditions 2003 – 2005

Between 2003 – 2005, Cape Farewell ran three expeditions within the Arctic circle. The expeditions set sail with a number of artists, scientists, journalists, educators.

The objectives varied between the expeditions, but all explored the common theme of climate change, with participants creating a number of art works during their travels.

View the Cape Farewell expedition pages below for more detail:

Across all three expeditions, Max took a number of recordings of the environment and wildlife, and created installations of suspended latex and wind flutes.

Selected recordings from the expeditions can be listened to below.

Suspended latex string
Suspended latex string
Wind flute
Wind flute
Arctic Terns
Ship engine, recorded with a contact microphone
Bearded Seal recorded using a hydrophone
Walrus recorded using a hydrophone
Little Auk
Machinery at the Barentsburg coal mine
Snow Bunting outside a Barentsburg coal mine
The creaking of the Noorderlicht ship
The Noorderlicht sailing, recorded from the deck
Footsteps in snow
The whistling Arctic wind

This is an excerpt from a Cape Farewell film, where Max talks about his experience in the Arctic and the work he did. Recorded by David Hinton.