Max Eastley

Installation – DAAD Gallery, Berlin

In 2017 Max Eastley was a guest of the DAAD (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst) in Berlin, Germany.  During this residency he produced an installation at the DAAD Gallery, played with musicians Ute Wasserman and John Butcher in a trio that included performance installations and created a performance with dancer Anna Huber. He also performed in a trio with Peter Cusack and Christina Kubisch for the launch of Peter Cusack’s publication “Berlin, Sonic Places: A Brief Guide” as well as playing in other informal concerts in Berlin.

DAAD Gallery Installation

Consisting of two sculptures, paintings, and a display case of drawings and sketchbooks.

Photos by Christian Fuchs.

Video by Max Eastley
Video by Max Eastley

Duo Performance

With dancer Anna Huber. Performed with installation and acoustic elements, part-structured and part-improvised.

Trio Performance

With installation in DAAD performance space.

Extract of performance, broadcast on Berlin radio.