Max Eastley

A Very Long Way From Anywhere Else – Spaceheads & Max Eastley


The second Spaceheads CD with sound sculptor Max Eastley playing the Arc, an instrument of his own invention. The tracks were recorded live in two places: The Shed, a very small club in Yorkshire and the Mimi Festival on an island just off Marseille.

Max Eastley’s Arc is a nine foot long instrument with one string, stretched over wood & played with a bow or glass rods. The pitch is changed by flexing the wood. The string can also be shortened with clips. It is then fed into electronic effects.

Andy Diagram – Trumpet through effects and loops.
Richard Harrison – Drums and Percussion
Max Eastley – The Arc
All music is written by A.Diagram, M. Eastley and R Harrison ©2005 recording at Mimi by Dave Hunt,
recording at shed by spaceheads.
Mixed by spaceheads.
Cover design by Andy Diagram from painting by Max Eastley.